Add a catchy title. This is where I am at right now. Marketing Star Blazer. I'm still working on the social media side right now. There is a lot that I didn't know. Book three and I hardly know anything. I must have pissed off a lot of my facebook friends with my tactics for the other two books. Oops. Sorry guys. Social media advertising is a very sneaky game. I'm not even talking about paid social media advertising. That's a whole different ball game. That's so full of dark arts - just watch the Brexit film!!!!! Your computer knows you better than your mum! It changed the pathway of your countries future without you even knowing it. Spooky stuff.
But anyway. Organic growth, that's what I am working on. Joining groups, sharing posts and engaging. Comments, shares, conversing. It all helps the numbers go up - people reached etc. It's a bit addictive. I feel down when I finish a day and my numbers are down on the day before. Is this what it's like to be in sales. Holy shit. I feel sick.
I have to keep plugging away though. I need reviews and I need exposure. Reviews and exposure....
.....And all the time Typecast is just sat there whispering out from its folder "Come to me. I'm a raw draft that needs finishing" That's going to be fun to work on. I read the opening twenty pages the other day. Really enjoyed it. It's fresh and dark and tragic. But for now it must stay in the folder while I sell sell sell.
Oh, here's a picture of an advert. Read it!